Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's Hot!

How hot? About this hot.
Today it got up to 37 degrees, but we still have some cooking for you!

Tomorrow is going to be 39, by the way. Hey, it's a dry heat! Seriously, relative humidity today was 18%. It makes me giggle when I see dehumidifiers for sale at Canadian Tire.

Yesterday we went to the Friday Market and got radishes and garlic scapes. It was really nice.
Not just because of the radishes and stuff, but also because they are co-ordinating it with music in the park.
We bought our veggies (the twirly things are scapes)

Listened to good music

Big people napped with very little people.

And I made Radish and garlic scape salad
It's not quite as delicious looking when finished, but the recipe couldn't be simpler.

Radish & Garlic Scape Salad

1 bunch of radishes
1 garlic scape
dill or other fresh herbs
sour cream
salt and pepper

Slice the radishes and garlic scape thinly. Mince fresh herbs. Toss on a bit of sour cream, salt and pepper.Stir well and let it sit for at least an hour in the fridge
Don't use as much sour cream as I did.

I also made some boiled potatoes from my farmer's market purchases today. Yep. That's excitement.

Boiled potatoes Wash potatoes, boil in water. I guess there is something easier than radish salad

Today's Saturday haul was as follows: Romaine lettuce, bread, rhubarb, swiss chard, spinach, baby potatoes, cherries and eggs. I am quite excited about the cherries. No recipe needed, just eat as is.
One last recipe for such a warm day

Messy Eggs
1/4 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 red pepper
3 cooked potatoes
4 eggs
1/4c milk
1/2 c cheese

Saute onion and garlic. Toss in red pepper and potato and cook until hot. Scramble eggs and milk and pour in. Stir a bit until almost cooked, sprinkle cheese on top and put a lid on the pan. Remove from heat and let it sit for 5 minutes. This is a great way to use of leftover veggies or meat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mom would thank you; you actually make me WANT to try radishes!

Well, not TRY, per se. I've eaten them before but you make me want to, with my full faculties, go out and buy some for my fridge!
