Thursday, July 3, 2008

They can't all be winners.

Lets anyone think I am some perfection-obsessed control freak, I thought I would share the failures this week

1. Dehydrated Strawberries

I tried drying these with my new, no instruction book included dehydrator. They all stuck to the trays and apparently I totally overdried them because they turned to powder and tasted burnt when they were done. Lesson learned? Check for dryness on cooled fruit and maybe rotate the trays.

2. The garden.

I really have to go take pictures because the garden does look pretty cool. Unfortunately, peas and lettuce crapped out on me so I only have blank space where those should be. A few other things have been disappointing and the grasshoppers like basil almost as much as I do.

3. The culinary fickleness of 6 year olds.

Nope, can't get him to eat 1/2 of what I make. No way, no how.

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