Thursday, May 29, 2008

Goodnight, Sam

It's been a rough week. Sam (the dog, for my 3 readers who aren't up on my life) disappeared on Sunday. She's 16. She has arthritis and bad hips, like all old Black Labs. She's also deaf, and has of Saturday, apparently a little bit senile.

On Saturday, Mom and Dad found her wandering down the middle of the highway. She has lived at the farm for 7 years or so, and has never set food on the road before now.

Sunday morning, Mom woke up and Sam was gone. She had wandered off during the night, and nobody could find her. They looked at the neighbor's, they looked up the hill. Dad even went down the highway, checking the ditch.

Tuesday, Dad found her on the bank of the irrigation pond, not 40' from the house. She was still alive, but weak. Her hips are so bad, she couldn't climb the bank back to the house and just laid there for 2 nights. She never made a noise. We would have heard her if she barked or whined.

Sam hasn't eaten or drank anything since Dad found her, except for the baby bottle of water mom gave her last night. She sounds like she has pneumonia, she hasn't gotten up off her cushion at all. We're going to take her to the vet tomorrow morning (first appointment we could get) and have her put down. She's had a good run, but nobody should suffer like this. Now all I can hope is that her departure is quiet and peaceful.

Goodnight, Sam. We will miss you.

1 comment:

Marblehead Johnson said...

Woof woof. Bark. Thrown stick.

I'll miss ya. :(