Sunday, May 18, 2008

On meat

I think a lot about food while I am at work. What I want for dinner, how it is grown and the weird shit that is in some food-like substances.

There is nothing more full of fucked-uppittyness than factory-farmed animals. Now, I am not saying that everyone absolutely has to consume organic cows which have been killed under moonlight with a pagan priestess saying prayers to their soul. We should be somewhat mindful that these are living creatures. Creatures who are delicious, especially when allowed to roam and eat other tasty creatures.

If you are what you eat, by extension you are what your food eats. A cow living in a high-density feedlot eats corn. Oh, and also corn. And some antibiotics because it is literally up to it's knees in shit. Many animals are also fed animal by-products to replace minerals and protein, which is a likely reason for Mad Cow Disease.

Eggs are not exempt. Even free run simply means that the chickens are not kept permanently caged, rather they can run around a very crowded barn with other chickens, never to see that light of day. Now, there is a reason for this where I live. The winters are cold and a chicken cannot be allowed outside for 6 months out of the year. Chickens are really dumb and would freeze. Also, coyotes find chickens almost as tasty as I do.

So, what is the solution to all this? Simple. Make friends with your local farmer. The additional cost is minimal and can be very low when buying in bulk.

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